Company News
Dear clients and partners! Our enterprise has been successfully assimilated and started a mass production of a new product – paper based adhesive masking tape designed for protection of surfaces and delimitation of working place during the process of painting and plastering.
In connection with rising market needs in 2009 the company plans diversification. We carry out thorough investigation of rising demands of permanent customers and adhesive tapes market peculiarity. But the company never stops at what has been accomplished, it is developing new and more sophisticated technologies and is improving the quality of available goods, as well as searching new materials for manufacture. During 2009-2010 we also plan to put new equipment into operation what in its turn will give us an opportunity to increase production volume up to the optimal level.
Information on address change of business partner "Kashtan M" Co Ltd. New address: Kantemirovskaya Str., bld. 58, Moscow, 115477.
In the period from 19 to 23d of June 2008 international specialized exhibition of materials and technologies, machines and equipment for packaging production "ROSUPAK 2008" takes place in MEC "KROKUSEXPO" (Moscow). All persons interested to visit our booth are invited.
Dear partners, collegues and friends! "Intertapes" enterprise has celebrated its first anniversary - 5 years. We are pleased to congratulate You on this remarkable event. We do hope that in the sequel our fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation will stay always the same.
Our enterprise obtained the certificate of conformity № BY/ 112 verifying that quality management system of designing and production of packaging adhesive tape conforms to STB ISO 9001-2001 requirements.
We kindly invite You to visit UPEM 2004 exhibition - "Contemporary packaging, labelling, marking" which is to take place in Saint-Peterburg (LENEXPO) in the period from 16 to 19th of November 2004, where in "Kashtan SPb" Co Ltd. stand You can familiarize yourself with the production of our enterprise.
We would like to invite you to see our production in international exhibition "Rosupak-2004" in Moscow (KVC "Sokolniki") from June 14 to June 18, exhibition hall 11, booth 5.3.
The exibition INTERFOOD 2004 takes place in Saint-Peterburg on 12-15 of April 2004. We'll be pleased to see everyone at exhibition hall 2, booth B37.
Ladies and Gentlemen, In November 25-28, 2003 in Moscow second International Exhibition of raw materials, equipment for production of carton/corrugated carton, packaging solutions, carton/corrugated carton packaging takes place in main Russian exhibition place –“Sokolniki". We kindly invite you to visit the booth of “Kashtan-Pack” in exhibition hall 4-A.
We invite everybody to visit the exibition "World of package" that is to take place in September 23-26, 2003. Address: Minsk, Kupali Str. 27, booth 25.
Representative office of our enterprise is to open in August in Minsk.
We are glad to invite you to see our enterprise’s booth in 4thB exhibition hall in Rosupak 2003 exhibition that will take place from June 16 to 21 at exhibition center KVC "Sokolniki".
LLC "Intertapes" © 2001-2025 When using information from the site, reference to is compulsory
Partners: LLC "Kashtan"